Seasonal Fungi

Today might possibly be the first test of my no central heating until ice forms on the inside of the windows policy. It’s a grim afternoon , nearly dark at 3pm with heavy rain and wind tossing the leaves airborne. It seems to be the weather to encourage fungi to suddenly sprout forth. The group I blipped was one of two beside a tree in Middle Meadow walk but there are many more scattered around.

There is a certain perverseness in going out into horrible weather and facing the elements. Because I was anxious to deliver something to Daughter #2 who works from home on Wednesday afternoons, I donned waterproof gear and strode through puddles with rain and wind borne leaves beating me horizontally and felt exhilarated. By the time I got home again an hour later the sky was all a sunshiny pink and blue to the west and gun metal grey with rainbows to the east. Such fickle weather.

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