
By LadyFindhorn

Rain Again

There’s hardly anything positive to say about today. It’s rained non stop since breakfast, at time so heavily it was like walking along a river just to get to the shop to buy a chocolate croissant as reward for misery and discomfort. 
This comfort eating on my part must spring from childhood and I could have passed it on to my children, I don’t know. I remember when they were toddlers and we had to go out for shopping when it was a cold, wet, miserable day, I would encourage them homeward with the thought of a hot drink and a biscuit. I think it was more a reward to myself than to them. I do remember them not particularly liking the hot cocoa produced although the biscuits generally went down well, custard creams I think - big treat!

There was nothing on my agenda today and I have managed to stay sane  by reading,  knitting  and watching a procession of umbrellas passing on the other side of the railings while wet dogs and their owners take each other out for some exercise looking equally dejected.

The one positive thing about this stygian gloom is noticing how any  colour seems heightened. My hydrangea on the wall seemed a startling ochre while my maple bush on the patio looked just as red as those we saw in Dawyck last week.
Tomorrow there is much on the agenda so I hope the weather improves.

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