
By scribbler

New: Magnetic 2

New is the topic of today's challenge.

I opted for another Andreas Gursky-esque view of life, another interior shot at Powell's City of Books.

This is a color view of the Magnetic Poetry board I blipped in black-and-white. Today I saw that someone had begun to muse in the upper left corner. I added several lines before I got bored.
I felt uninspired by the day's challenge topic, and it didn't help that the word "new" was not to be had. Then I realized I could make it myself. :)
I added the Yay! Bibliophiles! magnet because it was the closest I could come to Yay! Blipfoto!

You can temporarily see two other choices .
The first shot is another display of magnets including one with a slogan I liked:
Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet.
Then as I stumbled out of Powell's into the bright late afternoon sunlight this guy's belly caught my eye because it said "NEW"! It was the most authentic & spontaneous response to the challenge, though not my favorite photo. It was the only shot I took, practically in the guy's face. He never lifted his eyes from his phone.

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