
By Hillyblips

Eyeing me up

Eyeing me up as I peeped through the lens precariously balanced on the pond edge, he must have been laughing thinking,'She'll be in if I stay here long enough!' I on the other hand was thinking,'Do they really taste like chicken?' However with, I have got to say, very delicious spicy beef and chicken on the menu at my brother's this afternoon, the little guy was safe...today anyway! :))

Having had a wonderful meal and a few cold white wines it really was not the time to be dabbling on the water's edge leaning over to get the shot! I could hear the old tales being told of me 'falling in the water' (sounding rather here like a character from the Goons!) at Wast Water etc so was not going to give Hubs the satisfaction.....I know he dreads me going near lakes, streams, ponds and rivers but the urge to get that bit closer is too strong. From being very small I have always loved pond life especially frogs and I do remember my brother being pulled out of the river at Malham so it isn't just me with a water jinx! It must run in the family!

This little chap was very obliging though letting me get quite close, with my chin balancing on the 'anti-heron' line stretched across a pond, sadly emptied of goldfish by the heron a few weeks ago! No tadpoles either in evidence strangely. I just love his golden eyes..how clear is that blue sky in the reflection? A lovely sunny afternoon!

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