Smile making moments

A visit from Fisherking this morning. I think he was probably expecting a more vibrant version of the person that he suffered with for an hour. I am experiencing tiredness, a lot, despite a lot of sleep, but I know this is my body healing so I am trying to listen to it. I still keep having moments where I am desperate to go back to work, but then I try to do things that I am allowed to do (light housework, going for a walk) and I find that I am exhausted. I am not sure if Kieran thought I was joking when I said I needed a nap when he left. But that is how it is.

Corin took me over to Pennington Flash for an hour, but carefully managed my activity levels and distance walked, in a subtle way ...questions designed to make me accept that I shouldn't do much more...clever husband. We had a 99 ice cream (it would have been rude not to), admired the variety of human and canine life that had descended. I pondered why it is that when the sunshines, so many people feel the need to dress completely inappropriately. I also considered the very annoying yapping of a small dog - I was not the only one pondering it I suspect, from the looks and general 'tutting' from passers by.

This wee thing though was an absolute delight. She was definitely running on Duracell batteries. So small, but she was swimming out to grab a stick that was at least twice as long as her, dropping it at her master's feet and getting giddy with excitement until it was launched again. She was wonderful. We had a lovely chat with the couple who the dog belonged to as well.

Not much else. No sewing today. Did a bit of light housework - i.e. wiped the kitchen surfaces and loaded the dishwasher. But that was definitely enough. I have not yet plucked up the courage to drive - common sense tells me that I am not yet ready given that the tiredness and urge to sleep arrives with me so suddenly sometimes. I hope that this changes rapidly.

**Am thinking of my Nana. I am not one for prayer as I do not have 'faith' as such. But, sometimes I wish I did and that I could believe that there is a higher power...if so, I would be asking so very much of them right now.**

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