Living my dream

By Mima


Bean is sitting on the grass I spent an hour mowing this afternoon. Behind her right ear are the pea nets

The sun was out and pumping out heat again. I kept a weather eye on a simply enormous thunderstorm which was skidding across the sky just to the north. I could hear rumbles from time to time over the noise of the mower. It didn’t veer towards Chez Mima thankfully, so I got the grass done without a soaking.

The extra shows the other mown lawn, also known as Bean’s soccer pitch.

One one hand I’d like much less grass to cut, but on the other I love having the space to run around with my dog, and I like the way it looks when it’s tidy. The trees are hazelnuts and the picnic table is in use most lunchtimes.

I’ve also been potting up excess tomato plants for friends, and filling hanging baskets with petunias, lobelias and other lovely colourful plants for K’s garden.

Busy and happy.

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