Silver linings

At one point, one of my bios somewhere on social media read "Perennial seeker of silver linings". It might have been Twitter. Actually, it might have been here.

Wherever it was, it was a true statement about me. Matters have to be particularly dire before I can't find any good in them at all.

Which brings us to today.

I woke up to find I could hardly bear to put any weight on my right foot. It's a pain - a kind of swelling, in fact - that I've had before, and I've always thought it was related to running. But, because of my knee (now almost completely healed!) I haven't been running much recently.

So, first silver lining: whatever the problem is, it's not down to running :-)

This meant that we weren't able to go out and enjoy our first full day in Oslo. It did mean, though, that the Minx could go out on her own for a mooch about, which she did, finding some local nooks and crannies, including a street market.

I know how happy she will have been having a bit of time to herself and a nosey around, so there's another silver lining.

Meanwhile, I was stuck on the sofa in front of the stove, which was very pleasant. To pass the time, I caught up on some Blips and then decided to re-read my stalled novel, 'The Tally Man'. It must be two years since I did any work on it.

And I really enjoyed reading it, found myself with a couple of new ideas, rearranged a few bits and pieces, and ended up writing another chapter. Now *that's* a silver lining!

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