Habit Forming

We slept in after such a busy weekend. My sister, BIL and hubby did a few outside jobs while I entertained Sugar. The weather was absolutely perfect. We hopped on the ATVs and hunted for sea glass; another blip in the making. My sister and I visited the elderly neighbor until it was time to make dinner. Some recurring history: We left from the farm for our 80 day cross country trip in August 2016, the day of my very first blip. I stopped at 80. We celebrated Thanksgiving at the farm in 2020 and my sister asked me to blip the occasion at the dinner table. I posted a few more until December 2020 when I began daily posts in earnest. I reached my first year anniversary while visiting the farm/attending a craft fair. So, we felt it was only appropriate to document my second year anniversary at my sister’s dining table at the farm with some of my favorite peeps. We were enjoying an Americanized Octoberfest with sausage, cabbage, potatoes and applesauce. No beer but a little white wine. Our first day was a restful one. Wishing you peace and contentment in the week ahead. Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by and leaving hearts, stars and sweet comments. Really appreciate the friends I’ve met these last two years. A special thanks for those who keep Blip available. “The simple life on the farm was everything to me. Nothing was more relaxing after a long (plane flight) drive than to reach the winding driveway that led up to (my) the house. The quiet of the night was more soothing than a sleeping pill.” - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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