Stormy weather

I was woken at 7 by a crash of thunder and lay there for a bit, enjoying being warm and dry in bed while listening to torrential rain against the windows. 

Once I was up and having breakfast, however, I began to feel quite angry and the feeling lasted for a few hours..maybe the storm had something to do with it - I’m really not an angry person at all, and it takes a lot to raise my wrath, but I kept thinking about the politics of greed and power and then when I accompanied my Mum and Dad to church, Rev Martha preached about Black History month and the terrible racism she had experienced when she came to the UK from Zimbabwe and was working as a nurse and the abuse which led her daughter to try to kill herself three times. Storm or no storm, it’s right to feel angry about these things, surely? And to think about how one could try to make things better.

I did calm down later, of course, and the sun came out,too. My sister came round with my beautiful niece Finn, who will be 16 tomorrow.

I had a walk around the nature reserve and watched Simon Reeve in South America. I would like to be Simon Reeve if I ever have another life :-)

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