
By Annieone


Kitty and I thought this the best way to send our love and say thank you to all our Blip friends for their comments ..and prayers that have come over Blipfoto to us.....
you are all so kind......and even though things are tough...I'm tired, worried and stressed.......just thinking about Blip and getting back to take photos and comment back and forth is keeping me going.......I enjoy it so much...!

My Mam is doing ok....still very, very sore and unable to do anything for herself..
I am lucky that the hospital is just across the road from me so I have been able to do a lot of the looking after her myself..(our health service is under extreme pressure now...lack of staff etc.) it's been a Bank Holiday weekend here (Mayday) nothing has been happening medically over the weekend.....I won't get to see the medical team until possibly tomorrow....!

Kitty is fine......he's been doing a LOT of talking and 'shouting' at me......
probably because I've not had time to pay him much attention!!
I really think he knows there's something wrong as he's very attentive to me when I do get the chance to stop for awhile....
I really think cats must be very sensitive!!

Finally many, many thanks to all of you who commented on our 300th Blip Day.....I can't believe I'm nearly a year on Blip now....
and a special thanks to Colette and Daisy Days who put me 'on Blip' in the first place knowing quite rightly that I would LOVE IT.....and they're right......!
Annie & Kitty x x x x x

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