
By Annieone

just checking in!

Hi Blipworld, this is S, Annie's daughter. I've got her permission to post here just to let you know what's going on in our house at the minute. My gran - Annie's mam - has been in hospital for several weeks now, following two bad falls at the start of the month. She's doing pretty well by now, but she still has two broken toes (and is wearing a get-up on that foot that looks like Neil Armstrong's moon boots) and a sprained wrist in a bandage. She's going for a week of convalescent care today, and with luck her mobility will be much better on the other side of that.

Annie's been up at the hospital twice or three times a day with her, and hasn't had much energy for hobbies (apart from dealing with the shouty cat), so that's why she hasn't been around. She misses you and all her feline friends, and should be back when she can.

Also, this picture - I've spent May sitting exams, and was writing notes one day using my laptop. It must have sounded interesting, because every ten minutes or so I was getting this sneaky face up over the arm of 'his' (my gran's!) chair. I see you, Kit-kat.

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