Outside The Britons Protection

Let me just start by saying, I think there is a missing apostrophe in The Britons Protection. There's The Rovers Return in Salford, which, at first glance, seems to be wanting, but maybe it's reporting the fact that the rovers are returning. However, I can't think of an interpretation for The Britons Protection that doesn't need a little more grammar.


Day two of our get together, and this morning we drove over to Manchester.  As usual, Bob had prepared an itinerary, which included, inter alia, the wonderful Marble Arch. Would recommend.

And once we'd eaten and had a couple of beers, we retired for the afternoon, so I took the opportunity to walk back to Salford and see the Minx, although she was busy working, which resulted in me taking a nap instead. And that set me up nicely for the evening :-)

It was more of the same - in a very good way - this evening, starting off at The Britons Protection. And there I am.

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