Misty Morning Jaunt

As opposed to a Misty Mountain Hop.

There was a chill in the air until the dew/mist burnt off.
Of course, I had completely the wrong lens for the pictures I wanted ..... not long enough to get the windfarms above the mist and without the capability to get a close up of the dew covered cobwebs.
But at least I tried.

Although we were looking after the monsters today (they don't go back to school until tomorrow) I didn't see them until I got back at lunchtime as they had really long lie-ins.
After lunch The Cygnet went out on his bike with a couple of friends and Squirrel went to sort out her wardrobe .......... read that as empty in and then sit in it watching TV shows.

We prepared the meal for Bags & SIL getting home and ended up eating with them.
When we got home, I found that the peppered ham slices that I hadn't had at lunchtime were missing. One of the flaming cats has stolen it. We have warned Bags in case there is an upset stomach.

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