A manic day

I started the day with a list of jobs, many simple, others more complex. A, my sewing friend, called in to collect the bag of things we need for our meetings. I took it to the meeting last week as she was on holiday. We had a coffee and a catch-up.

The positives were organising elements of a trip to London next month to meet up with friends. Booking appointments for B at the physio and optician without any delays, and some two person gardening jobs that are long overdue! Also meeting up with Amber’s friend from the kennel who we see at the bus stop waiting to go home after work. 

The negatives were a message about the sock rabbits that I have been making for one of the sewing group sales for charity.  As they don’t have certification (don’t ask) they cannot be sold. I was aware of this legislation, but didn’t think that it applied to socks!!!  This happy bunch in extras will be heading elsewhere, someone will love them.

The thing that made me smile was opening this bag. I took Amber for her walk this afternoon, whilst B waited for a phone call. I called into the butcher’s to see if they had any home made cake. The answer was no, they are no longer being supplied with these home made goodies. 

So I tried the little cafe along the road. I stood at the door and checked that I could go in with Amber and made my selection. Amber sat quietly, very well behaved, thank goodness. When we got home I opened the bag and saw that the young lady had put a biscuit in the bag for Amber. A lovely gesture. 

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