Art kind of day

The weather here has been awful again so we have been stuck inside.  
So after I did a load of ironing ( with my good arm ) and that took over a hour I told the wildlings I would let them do a craft set that I had bought for them. They loved it . They painted some clay models and some pumpkins for the window decorations for Halloween.  I see creativity and enjoyment but Mr R always sees a mess. 

We had a relaxed afternoon.  The wildlings tidied their room so that I could hoover them. And then I had a nana nap on the sofa. I had a awful night last night.  I have said for years that I don't snore. Well I shall have to admit that I do now as I woke myself up with the biggest snort ever ;-) . The wildlings thought it was funny. 

Mr R has been doing a full day's work upstairs in the office,  no idea when he will finish but I certainly won't be having a late dinner. I'll have a early night. 

Poor Harp has had a sore throat today and sounds all husky. I hope she isn't getting the bugs . 

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