A good walk

We set out at 9am to try to beat the heat as we knew there were quite a few steep sections. Walking in the built up areas (of which there are a lot) is hazardous as pavements don’t exist which means we have to dodge in behind parked cars to avoid being mown down by the many cars and buses. We reached a section painted green with a walking figure so headed uphill confidently on that, admiring the coastal views and little terraced fields on our right. We reached what they guide book said was ‘the sleepy village of Qala”. There we met a chatty Brit out with his dog. He said he had lived there for many years after finding Malta too busy but now was hoping to move to Spain as Gozo is being built up with apparently no proper control. I asked how he managed with the 90 day rule but he’s ok as he has residency here. I wonder how that works in Spain. We admired more balconies and churches before heading down a quiet track lined with prickly pears. We took a detour to get a good view of Comino Island and the famous Blue Lagoon. We were glad we’d not taken a boat there as it was already stuffed with boats of all sizes. We noticed cart ruts in the limestone. It’s not known how they came to be there.

We retraced our steps to a little church at Kerrew then took a busy little road down to Hondoq bay, passing a small hermitage. (We read there are 45 churches on Gozo. I think we’ve seen quite a few of them). There was a little strip of sand and crystal clear water with a few swimmers. We had a paddle. It’s popular with local families despite the presence of a large de-salinisation plant.

The route climbed up then followed a coastal path, somewhat eroded in places round a couple of rocky inlets before leaving the scary drops and heading steeply uphill back to Qala. The road back down to Mgarr was even more treacherous as the walking area had been taken over by parked cars. We got back, hot and sweaty, but in one piece to a welcome cold beer.

We cooled off then went down to the pool for a swim. It is not heated so we were invigorated. Tonight we’ll go back to the Country Terrace which we enjoyed a few nights ago. I hope Joseph from Napier gives us a good table!

I have developed a rash above my ankles which is very hot as are all the bites I have acquired on my leg. I’m tasty unlike Jenny who has escaped.

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