Admin + A Meeting

One last photo from last weekend to use in todays Blip.
This is a Coastal Redwood, its proper name is Sequoia Sempervirens and it is native to the West Coast of the U.S.A. They were first introduced into the U.K in 1834 and as the tallest species of tree in the world are capable of reaching 155m, (377ft), high. The one shown is in the River Dart Country Park and forms part of their nature trail hence all the information. Having seen the ones in California this one has a way to go.

Today I spent nearly four hours at the computer ploughing through e-mails, replying where necessary, deleting three quarters after a glance. Printed the badges to go on the family Poppy Crosses ready for November and generally cleared a load of admin.

The evening was spent at the Epic AGM, it went pretty much as I expected, two and a half hours of my life I won’t get back.

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