Hanging On The Telephone

The title has nothing to do with the picture. But I couldn’t think of a title that matched the picture and I couldn’t get a photo of me hanging on the phone because I was using my iPhone as a phone rather than a camera!
My car insurance renewal premium had gone up quite considerably from last year, and the Meerkats reckoned I should be able to get it for thirty odd quid less. And although I could play around with changing several things online to adjust the premium, I still thought it was worth a phone call to see how generous they were feeling.
To cut a long story short, after a wait of forty minutes I finally got to speak to a human being. Applying a couple of changes, to make sure we were comparing like with like, brought the premium down by £20. Then she asked what was the best quote I’d had from another company. I told her, the line went dead for a short time and then she came back with an offer ten pounds less than that! Naturally I said yes straight away and the deal was done. Well worth three quarters of an hour on the phone to save over £50.
And the picture? Mrs C was taking all sorts of photos of structures like this, something to do with her camera club and a theme of “minimalism”. This was my attempt, though I am given to understand that it doesn’t fully meet the brief. But I still like it.

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