Itchycoo Park

“Over Bridge of Sighs
To rest my eyes in shades of green
Under dreaming spires
To Itchycoo Park, that's where I've been”

Well, I’ve been to Oxford, which was the inspiration behind that song. There are bridges and spires (dreaming and otherwise) aplenty, but no park by the name of Itchycoo!
We are staying in a lovely old coaching inn in the village of Cuddesdon, just to the south of Oxford. Only ten minutes from the Park & Ride, which proved to be a very easy way of getting into the city centre. We only had a few hours there but managed to fit a lot in. A college tour (Balliol) and a visit to the Ashmolean Museum topped and tailed the day, with the rest of the time just wandering around marvelling at all the historic buildings. The picture was taken standing at the side of the Sheldonian Theatre, looking across to the Bodleian Library. With the Radcliffe Camera and several noted colleges just out of shot, that’s a whole heap of history in a very small area. A lot to see in the short time we had available, so we are definitely coming back to spend more time here in the future.
And we would probably stay at the same inn. The breakfast was excellent and, on the strength of that, we had our evening meal here as well tonight. A good decision as it was another excellent meal with the bonus that we didn’t have far to go afterwards.
Another breakfast to look forward to tomorrow before we (reluctantly) head towards home. Next stop is Chester to see mother and - hopefully - the new James Bond film. No prizes for guessing which one of those I’m looking forward to most!
I’ll leave it to the Small Faces to sum up our day in Oxford - “It’s all too beautiful”

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