More London

I felt a bit cold and tired this morning ( disturbed night, lots of coughing) so had a long soak in the bath whilst watching something on my iPad - most unusual for me, but it was lovely.  I pottered and did some paperwork before going to school for volunteering session.  Not happy as I got there and both girls were out on a school trip but I had no contact standing me down!  Passive aggressive email from me asking for clarification so hopefully won’t happen again.  I am retired but don’t like wasting my time.  I did however call into the garden centre and got the pots and plants for No.2’s balcony makeover.  Home for an hour then quick change and trip to London to meet No.1 for impromptu supper.  As I arrived in the Strand spotted a charity setting up a street kitchen which is a regular spot for the homeless.  When I returned home it was a different charity and a different food offer.  It always makes me so sad when going to London ( or other cities) to see homeless folks.  How can we live in the 21st century and not have solved this yet?  

Meal with No1 was lovely and we chatted and enjoyed our time together.

OH at football and his team won!!  He will be pleased.

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