Weird nostalgia

I’ve had such a weird day today it’s taken me a while to write up blip.

Elbows had a radio interview by a Christian radio station who had hired a studio in Surbiton. Because it’s my old stamping ground from the ages of 10-20 years old, I went too, to look around whilst he was busy and then show him significant places.

This bus stop is where I stood everyday for 7 years of school. Weirdly, my big sister who went to the same school, got a lift.

I’ve visited our old house and knocked on the door and chatted for half an hour with the couple who bought it off my parents 35 years ago. Much hasn’t changed but I wish they’d invited me in.

The same neighbours were still there.
The same sundials, same hydrangeas and same trees. Same light fitting behind them in the hall!
The same tennis club.
The same youth group grounds.
The same newsagents with the same name.
So much was the same that to have moved away, gone to university, moved around, got married and had kids who have been to university, moved away and married … made it an unfathomable time warp.

I then popped in unannounced, to see the mother of my oldest friend and had a delightful half hour with her.

Then popped into my brother at work not too far away, met his eldest and his first tiny grandchild who I hadn’t met before, and then, as an extra treat, popped in to see LongLegs at his house after his work.

By this time, we were quite late for an evening meet in Ware with old colleagues of Elbows.

That was weird but nice too. I’m not quite sure how this day fitted in as much as I’m not quite sure about the time passing since living down there and all that’s happened since.

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