Night sky

Wednesday 5th October 2022

The weather wasn't kind to us today. We decided to go to Ushaw Historic House, Chapels and Garden to give indoor and outdoor options. It was raining when we got there so we went for a drink and then investigated the chapels. The St Cuthbert's chapel was fantastic. 

Outside it had stopped raining so we had a short walk around the garden and back to the car just before it started raining again. We had our picnic in the car and then moved to Herrington Country Park for a short walk around the lake. We then moved to the car park at the bottom of the Penshaw monument and left mum in the car while we walked up to the monument. The weather was glorious at this point and it was a lovely view back down to the country park and the light on the monument was great. 

We returned to the house for a cuppa. Unfortunately when I tried to view my photos the computer had a problem with the card and ended up corrupting it. I lost all my photos from today and yesterday. Yesterday's wasn't too bad as I mainly used my phone so I still have those, all today's were on the card! 

After a fish and chip supper and two games of cards I went into the garden to try star trails. It was an ok first attempt but not good enough to post. I nipped out the front to retake my night shots from yesterday but I didn't capture them as well. This is a view from the bridge outside our house back down the river, being the only real photo I have of today.

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