Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon


The down side of teaching this course is how intensive it is and we usually put in 10-14 hour days much of the time. But, that is the way it is supposed to be. A whole semester rolled up into four weeks. A long day of lectures and then sitting down and talking with 20 students individually to flush out and develop nascent research questions for projects they do as a part of the course. A pretty tedious process and by the end of it you feel fried...exhausted.

But to make up. We finally gathered round and cooked up all the morrel mushrooms tonight! A small party of great people round camp crowded into Katie's cabin, morrels sauting over the woodstove, and beers and laughs all around. Aaaaghh, perfect ending to a long day. And sleep....

...here, the inside of my cozy cabin, bare and simple. Cozy and warm with the woodstove smoldering. Off to bed....

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