
That is the only word for today. The weather forecast was 100% accurate. It rained, heavily, all day.

I worked at home this morning, in my 'office' (warm and cosy!). And this afternoon I was off. I finished the blind. I'm not sure if it's straight and only putting it up will solve that question. It looks quite good though. Hopefully it will work. That done I started on the curtains, set 1. I think I've cut them out ok. Too late now - measure twice,m cut once.

There was resolution of yesterday's concerns. A flurry of messages with #3 son this morning and eventually S came round, this afternoon, and we had chicken for tea. #3 son arrived back late. Bad mother that I am there was very little food for him. I never have a lot of food in the house, I'm out so much. he'll be here about a week, until the exams. He still has to find somewhere to stay in Aber. Looks like it may be an, expensive, single room.

A quick blip out the back door to the very soggy garden and the trays of spring flowers that have yet to be planted. Maybe Monday, the weather people say the sun is going to shine then.

UKIP - UKugh. Is the another sign of the increasingly wider gap between the South of England and Scotland? And what happens about the next UK general election in 2015 if there IS a 'yes' vote in 2014.

I was stopped yesterday by a trio of S3 students from St Thomas Aquinas doing a survey about what life was like to be 15. 3 charming young women. I remembered that I was 15 in 1968, that momentous year of revolution and change. Another world, another planet.

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