
By Beckett

Memories from around the World

Whist doing the tidy up I mentioned yesterday, came across my old collection of Match Boxes from all sorts of places around Australia and the world. Anyway after enjoying Raestelle and her Blips of times gone by over the last few days thought lets make a Blip of them.
So, maybe if you look closely there may be a match box from a venue in your home town?
Certainly brought back memories of just how much travel we have done over the years and going through them, how many fantastic meals enjoyed in many great eateries. Also noted in some cases no longer open or business that have changed name etc.
And for the Sydney siders who may be interested, in the top centre note the coasters for a couple of footie legends (Greg Alexander & Mark Geyer) from days past from the local Penrith League team Panthers
Hope you enjoy.

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