
By BryanImagining


Today may have been the Perfect Storm of Spring tree blossoms in Michigan. The forsythia were late to the party and bloomed fully today; the Magnolia were also late; the CHerry, Apple, Pear and crabapple were right on time....

I only had 20 minutes during my drive to and from Fedex to enjoy the bounty of Spring. I was aching to get out sooner, but it was not to be. The sun had set when I exited my building to salvage what light I had left.

I'd spotted this magnolia tree during my 7am meeting through the breakfast diner's windows, and revisited it at 8 pm. I asked the Mercedes-coupe/magnolia tree owner if I could shoot his tree, and he says okay. (I bet he'd have had a different answer if I told him I wanted to shoot his Benz...) He ignored me and continued polishing the hunk of German love.

Didn't he see God's Perfection in his backyard????? Oh, yeah, he has to clean up after it.

I only stole a hundred shots of his tree, then sped through the twilight to peruse my spoils. This is the best of the lot.

I LOVE someone else's Magnolia trees!

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