
Apparently she wanted me to show my best side, but sitting in the sun among the flowers in her so called 'wild meadow' (apparently it's ok to be lazy and not cut the grass if you call it 'wild') is itchy business.

The thing is, last night I was borrowed to go on a date. Can you imagine me being a protector of a young lady meeting a young man for the first time?

I tell you what, my secret weapon would be to lick him into shape and then lick him half to death.

And now her friend wants a photo of me to send to her 'new friend's dog, Bentley the Boxer - who was by the way Hot Hot Hot!!

This is how it happened.
We were just settling down for a quiet evening in front of the fire when the phone rang, it was her friend Sally:

"Hi Amanda, can I borrow your dog? I'm meeting a guy from a dating site for the first time and he's suggested we take his dog for a walk and I'm freaking out because, it's not the most sensible thing to do on a first date, and I'd be happier if I had a dog to protect me"

"Well, yes, if you think it would help you feel more secure, but she may be a bit bouncy on meeting a new dog"

"I'll be round in 5 to collect her"

"OK, but be careful and text me to say you're OK"


And so it was that Sally and I went off to the common to meet him and his handsome Boxer dog called Bentley. Bentley and I got on extremely well, but then I don't think I'm as fussy as Sally.

I hope I get to meet Bentley again and I hope he pins this image of me on his wall.

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