From Now On...

By rachelwhynot


We caught one of the fox cubs living under Debbie’s shed and one of the cats living on the other side of us, calling it a truce on our lawn this morning. Neither seemed bothered by us either.

I ran this morning going back to the support of the Couch to 5K app. It was good to hear the encouragement of Laura through my earphones. The weather was perfect, the sun and autumn colours a real treat.

D is in the process of running pipes between our house and next door to take the excess water after heavy rain away from the flower beds. A problem that’s arisen since the (very) big extension and insufficient down pipes from their guttering. At the moment it resembles the game Plumb Crazy. I am assured there is a plan and tomorrow I’ll help with it’s implementation….

My extra; dahlias in a front garden locally, looking exceptional at the moment. Once grown to show, I was told by the man.

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