By lizzie_birkett

Yew Tree

I spent some time in the garden.
The sweet peas were infested with aphids so I got Frank to pull them out. A shame really as they’re still flowering. I’ve never seen as many as this year. Also chopped some rocket back as it self seeded everywhere. I found some baby butternut squashes hidden - not sure if they’ll grow big enough.
Then I cleaned our attic music/bed room, put my summer clothes away and brought my winter ones out.
After lunch we went to Settle as I had an appointment with Dr. She said my dizziness and falls could be vertigo but she also wants to investigate further. While in Settle I popped into the parish church as they have a box for recycling medicine blister packs. I had a look round the graveyard too and saw this lovely Yew tree.
Bella took Frank and I to the pub before tea! I found a good book their on the bookshelf called The Muse by Jessie Burton.
Then I started to think, read and write about Yew trees.

Yew Tree

Evergreen and mystical the Yew tree,
you have lived through history,
you have seen more than me
evergreen Yew tree.

Standing in the church yard
I suppose you’re very old,
you may have many centuries
of secrets that you hold.

For Sunday service every week
you’ve heard the bells ringing.
For weddings and funerals
you’ve heard the choir singing.

You’ve kept the graveyards free
of livestock all your days,
no farmer worth his salt would
allow his cattle there to graze.

All parts of you are poisonous,
bark, leaves and berries
and deep beneath your roots
the underworld, is home to the faeries.

Goodnight Blippers :-) X

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