Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce


A busy old day. Sandra Vick (the artist I'm collaborating with) came over (bearing warm scones) to collect her first batch of candles at the same time bringing me more pots for the next batch. We also spent some time choosing 3 new candle and diffuser fragrances to follow in due course, which is a nice unexpected bit of extra business.

As she was leaving, a customer arrived so the kettle was back on to get a nice catch up. Then I made up another batch of soap sponges and moved onto label removal (the glass jars from last weeks melting down session were soaked in 5 litres of vinegar for a couple of hours and then scraped and are now back in the dishwasher and should be like new again, finally. A total pain but too expensive to waste when they've never been used).

Back to bed for a bit this afternoon before leftover takeaway and the last episode of Shetland. Happy anniversary to us. It wasn't fancy but it was 'us' (just like the wedding, still so pleased I got married in my pyjamas, best decision ever :)

Update, blipper hazelh commented on my post yesterday with a link to her entry from the wedding day, I've just read it and hadn't seen it before, so funny and lovely to see it from someone elses perspective :)

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