Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Ripe, Raspberry Ripe!

OK so I fiddled with the words a bit, but it is a Raspberry and it is ripe! Or at least it was until I ate it! Our second flush of raspberries are well on the way, but this one was ahead of the others. I didn't want it to go off so I ate it and quite delicious it was too. Big and juicy, think it would have been classed as superior!
I went to church this morning for the first time in ages, it was one of those days where I was doing two duties and we had a visiting priest. Good hymns though.
I tidied up the hall at lunchtime for a group who were hiring it this afternoon. Felt a bit strange doing so because Ali had booked it with her NCT group for a sensory season to celebrate all of their birthdays. Ali, Stuart and Josie weren't able to be there with them in the end though, thanks to the virus. She was disappointed, they so wanted to celebrate Josie's birthday. They've had a tough couple of years, I know they're not alone, but sometimes I think it feels that way for them.
I spent much of this afternoon dodging the blustery showers and high winds while running into the garden to pick up the windfall apples. They're delicious apples sweet eaters that cook well too. This year's crop has many larger than my fist. I'm sure they're bigger in recent years than they used to be.
Tomorrow's highlight will be phoning the dentist!

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