Sammy at Skeld

A lovely sunny day, all day, some cloud in the afternoon.  Lovely and warm, mostly calm but breezy at sea.  A calm clear evening. 

Up early, and met friend Julie for walkies after breakfast.  Mam came by before lunch, and we set off out in the boat for a run.  A quiet evening at home, must get ready for the second night of the wedding.

A calm Scalloway harbour, but swell out at sea, then a calm Skeld harbour.  We set off to see big Brian and Madeline in their caravan for lunch, and a cuppa.  Brian and Hazel Johnson stopped off for a cuppa too, while we were sitting out in the sunshine.  Sammy always loves a trip in the boat too.  His favourite part is getting back ashore, where he can get out exploring.  Here's Sammy having a look around the pier at Skeld. 

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