
By chrisbevan

Laura Place

At over 1,000 feet long and 100 feet wide, Great Pultney Sreet is the widest and grandest in Bath.
Famous former residents of the street have included the novelist Jane Austen and the anti-slavery campaigner William Wilberforce.
The fountain was not part of the original plan.
After completion of the main street in 1877, local residents petitioned and successfully raised significant funds to build a grand column (rather like Nelson's Column in London). However as construction of the column started, the residents realised that the addition would tower over the area (it would have been significantly taller than the houses), and they then petitioned for it to be cancelled. After some negotiations, the column was pulled down and the much smaller fountain added instead.
During the Second World War the water in the fountain was used by firemen to extinguish fires in Great Pultney Street during the bombing of Bath after the watermains were severed by enemy action.

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