Three horsepower (Day 2690)

The usual Sunday trip to do the weekly shopping preceded loading the truck with stuff for the dump before I headed across to Stromness. After getting rid of the rubbish, I went along to the horses.
I was left in charge today, because  my beautiful wife was overseas. I got through the list of chores, then got out a lovely ride in the sunshine on George. We finished with a gallop on the beach and a paddle in the sea, then a few wheelies in the surf just for a laugh.
Home for lunch and a wander with Sigyn, then back to the horses. It was still a glorious sunny day, so I stole Jeeps and got him out a quick spin. Back at the field I reckoned Red was looking like he felt a bit left out, so I got him out too.
First time I have ridden three horses in one day, and all on my own. It was awesome, and a real confidence boost that I can ride all of them relatively well.
Another highlight of the afternoon was a hen harrier flying up from its dinner just in front of us as I was on Jeeps. Jeeps didn't bat an eyelid, but spooked two minutes later because a big leaf moved in the wind.
Chores done at the field, I headed for Mum and Dad's and got the grass cut.
There's a spot the difference in the extras today...

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