Flash Flowers

I'm not sure where the day has gone really.

We had an interrupted night's sleep, courtesy of the smoke alarms which went off twice, for no apparent reason. So we were unusually late getting up.

Fed the birds and hedgehog (another sign of winter is that he is emptying his dish every night now, bulking up for hibernation I hope). Then I dealt with the Sainsbury's delivery, and after lunch we had a long catch up Skype with daughter#2. She is back in Munich now after a week away in Barcelona for a conference. I am amazed that she is able to speak and think interchangeably in French, German and of course English. She certainly doesn't get that from me. I think the Spanish had her stumped though, apart from the basic bar and restaurant ordering necessities. She has got back in time for Oktoberfest, which has now started. She wasn't able to explain to me why it isn't called Septemberfest.

A bit of blip admin and now it is nearly time for dinner and I haven't done a blip. I thought about going for a walk but got as far as the garden and the Japanese anemone. Taken with flash as it was a bit gloomy out there.

One year ago:
On The Window

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