Lots of newspapers!
A quick early blip as we have visitors later.
Over the last week we have kept lots of the newspapers and supplements re the Queens death. There is now a large pile which I need to go through and decide what to keep. We had friends from the US visiting last week and we bought extra papers so they could take some home to show friends there. I think the Times has had some very good supplements and nice photographs each day. I guess there will be many more to keep after the funeral but it will be some while before the Coronation of Charles III, presumably sometime in 2023. The Union Jack is actually a bag I got in a pound shop just before the jubilee so I will use it to put the papers in!
I’m thinking maybe I should use some of the photos in the papers to help the grandchildren make a scrap book about the Queen and the Royal Family, then add to it when the Coronation occurs.
Visited the allotment this morning and found that most things are ‘over’. Cucumbers finished, courgettes some plants finished but a few maybe next week, green beans and runner beans nearly finished. However the sunflowers and Cosmos are still looking good.
We are hoping there will be a delivery of horse manure from the stables at Hampton Court this week so that we can put lots on our plot!
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