By lizzie_birkett

Bramble Porridge!

with maple syrup - yummy!
I still feel dizzy, headachey and light headed today so haven’t done much.
I took Bella walkies as Frank had to go to choir, I was dizzy whilst walking.
I cleaned the bathroom on the boat, hoovered and washed the dishes.
Frank made curry for tea. We are going to the little theatre tonight to watch a play. I should be OK as I will just be sitting.
I’m wondering if it could be vertigo. I’ve never had that so don’t know.


My hands are all scratched and purple
but nothing can take away my pleasure
as I make my way along the tow path,
my bags bulging with treasure.

The hidden ones are always the best,
tucked away in dry stone walls,
those big, shiny ones, just out of reach,
I was teetering on the brink of a fall.

The prickly branches are a menace
not to mention thistles and nettle stingers
but to get the juiciest berries,
I'll endure the bleeding fingers

Was there ever a more perfect word
than that of going out 'brambling'
for it describes two favourite pastimes
picking brambles while out rambling.

Good night Blippers - thank you for your concern. 

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