Glimpses of Me

By mimi128

The Price of Coal

Was It Worth It

Was it worth it all those years ago
My answer friends is definitely "No".

Seeing your men going down that dark hole
Clawing at the earth for black coal.
Their bodies marked and heavily scarred
Tired and grumpy from working so hard.

But ask those old men, miners of old
They'd answer yes, they enjoyed digging for black gold.
"We knew no different" they would say
"It was our job, working hard for little pay"

The valley now is void of mines
Gone are the turning wheels, big holes and dram lines.
The land is now picturesque and green
No sign of coal or collieries are to be seen

--Yvonne Smith

This was the site of Denaby Main Colliery (1866-1968). During the 100 years of production at this pit, 203 men and boys lost their lives. This Colliery wheel stands as their memorial. More information found here..

I was thinking of keeping it coloured, what with the nice blue skies and all... Then again, this is a Colliery Memorial, more appropriate in black and white.

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