
By TheBigCheese1


Been soooo busy since last Friday that I didn’t take any photos at all!  How can that possibly be?

Went to see the in-laws on Saturday.  We had been due to take them down to the carawanga on Friday so they could have a week’s holiday, but unfortunately Mum-in-law had to go into hospital as her medications were playing up, so their trip was cancelled.  We visited instead and spent a nice couple of hours with them before meeting Big Bro (back from living in Spain), Big Sis and Baby M for a pub meal.

Sunday was spent tidying the back bedroom again so that Big Bro has somewhere to sleep.  Loads of rubbish collected up again and The Dopski’s old bed, wardrobe etc set listed onto eBay.  Visit to the tip.

On Monday I took the child to school and then made bolognaise to put into the slow cooker.  Applied for lots of jobs for the rest of the day.  Made the bolognaise into a lasagne for tea - yummy yumski, if I do say so myself!

So… today…..Finished turfing out the back room and took all the rubbish to the tip and loads of bags of stuff to the charity shop.  The room is now empty apart from bedroom furniture and a desk.  Evening was spent in ikea looking for another desk for Big Bro.  I bought a bath mat!

Blip is a rather nice sunflower found on the walk with The Hound.

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