The Same Only Different

We awoke to a nice rain shower that continued off and on all day. In between, we had cloudy skies and a refreshing breeze. During one clear spell, I checked the Rose of Sharon hibiscus bushes and chose the three prettiest blooms to share. My sister applied polyurethane to her door, did a load of laundry, cleaned cabinets, etc. Our BIL worked in and around his barn. Hubby helped him. I had kitchen detail. We added pieces to the puzzle in between and chatted with our mother when we finally got enough signal strength. All in all, it was another great day on the farm. It’s nice to be able to choose how much you want to work or play. We truly are at peace up here surrounded by the glory of nature and away from the rat race. Thanks for dropping by. Max seems pleased with the progress in Ukraine. Hopefully, the news will continue to be positive. “Tranquility, serenity, and beauty of nature taught me how to find happiness in life and in the silence of eternity.” - Debasish Mridha

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