Prizes for the grandchildren

More from our allotment show and social yesterday. They had a few children's classes so with the twin grandchildren we made recycled plant pots, which I blipped before on 2nd Sept, and also some prints using plants. I had never done this before but if you find interesting leaves or flowers which have plenty of moisture you can make prints just by putting them on a piece of cotton, folding it over and then hammering vigorously to release the ‘juices’ in the leaves or flower petals. We had to experiment with lots of leaves and my limited range of flowers to find something that worked well.
The winning print was made with nettle leaves we collected on a dog walk, and petals from an ordinary red geranium. The nettles worked really well .

We have had a few very busy days, visiting friends who have come over fromthe US that we had not seen for three years before the pandemic. They then came to stay with us and family and friends visited too.

Back to normal today and a quieter routine but lots of washing and cleaning to do tomorrow!

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