Moving Hay (Day 2684)

The fine weekend weather disappeared overnight, and the morning wander with Sigyn was a damp, breezy affair. Thankfully we missed the worst of the rain.
I was supposed to be starting a new bathroom re-fit this morning but a bit of a balls up with the parts order means it is delayed until Wednesday. Instead I headed to town to do a bathroom quote, which turned out to be the people asking if I would mind finding some time to do their bathroom. I guess my reputation precedes me, which is a good thing.
Along to Stromness next to get another little job ticked off the list, then back home. The weather looked to have improved, and after lunch My beautiful wife and I headed to the horses. When we arrived, the wind was increasing and there were some fairly heavy showers as we did the field chores. We gave up on the plan to ride, instead getting some stuff done which is just easier with two folk. HV did a good job of getting a huge amount of hay into the trailer without it all blowing away.
Back home to get paperwork out of the way before curry with P&S who surprised us by saying they are here for a couple of days.

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