Eight Appendages

aka eight legs

Spent a few hours catching up with blip today. There is some good stuff out there.

I spotted this spider on a huge web by the recycling boxes this morning. He  (I'm pretty sure it is a he from the small size) was very obliging and let me set up the tripod as there was no way I was going to get a sharp hand held shot. The web was blowing about a bit as it was.

You can appreciate his lovely colours in the extra.

Camera club this evening. The summer cup judging has been brought forward from next week's meeting which has been cancelled. I'm not expecting to pick up any awards, but I have got to pick up the box for the aviation trophy I won last season. I'm told it is quite big so have been avoiding having it, but the competition secretary has caught up with me now.

One year ago:
Extraordinary ....

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