I have two frogs

My garden and the wildlife. I have birds. I have bees. I had a rabbit. I saw two different frogs today. I moved the toad house to the bed Kate designed because this was the second time I saw a frog there. I have giant slugs. I moved the giant slug that had been in the toad house to across the street, even if it isn't far enough away. Then I saw another, big, frog in my bird bath next to my tree. I have two mice. 

Ok that last part is not so great. I have the camera trained behind the HVAC and saw two mice in the same shot. Three nights ago I got nothing, so two nights ago I put sluggo in them to see if mice like it as much as squirrels do. A squirrel OPENED one of the traps!! I didn't catch anyone. Last night I didn't leave any traps. We will see what we will see in the morning. 

The only thing that is ok is that they are not in my house. If I trusted them not to go into my house they could stay. 

I'm in the US this coming week and then I'm not. 

This lovely blue flower is not mine, it is the Korean church's. Maybe I didn't deadhead correctly but I don't have any more balloon flowers. It will be so interesting to see my garden next year. 

My fabulous new boss asks the most wonderful questions. I love his questions because he actually knows government, he actually knows this agency, and he is still overwhelmed and confused. It makes me feel so much better about having been overwhelmed and confused. He also asks really savvy questions that leave me hopeful that we will continue to make things better. 

Moscow has used up 80% of its stock of good missiles and cannot replace them due to a lack of Western electronic components. At the current rate of consumption, specialists estimate that its artillery will be silenced in 6 to 8 months. Russia already reduced its bombing in August. 

American intelligence estimates that one-third of the soldiers Russia deployed before the invasion have been put out of action. This doesn't mean killed, it includes wounded. Also, Russia has promised $50,000 if you get wounded fighting for them. Remember they recruited from the poorest in the country. There are supposedly a lot of soldiers deliberately wounding themselves to collect the money. 

Ukraine has had four days of rapid gains. Zelensky said they've retaken control of more than 30 towns and villages in the Kharkiv region. Russia is trying to rush soldiers back from the south to the east. "A video purportedly filmed in Balakliya showed tearful women embracing Ukrainian soldiers on their doorstep and offering them pancakes. 

Photographs from another village retaken by Ukrainian forces in recent days showed the sign at the entrance to Shevchenkove had already been repainted in the yellow and blue of the Ukrainian flag."

In Tblisi, the capital of the country of Georiga, there is an anti-Russia bar. Russians need to fill out a form attesting that they don't support Russia. The idea is to spare patrons from having to sit next to a*****es. 

Also in Georgia, two Russian-speaking passengers demanded their taxi driver, Amiran Bokuchava, speak Russian and turn off the Ukrainian music he was playing. Don't piss off your driver. Amiran refused and dropped the passengers off at Gombori Pass, around 60 kilometers northeast of the airport. Amiran was accused of kidnapping. He was just found not guilty by a unanimous verdict.

I saw a wonderful tweet today:  "Please be advised that the E97 will shortly be closed between Kerch and Taman' for repairs, and all lanes will be closed for an extended period of time. Please arrange alternate transportation routes." I looked up Kerch and Taman. It is a bridge between the Russian mainland and Crimea. Basically, Ukraine is announcing that they are going to attack it. 

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