Erna stole my blip

...although also gave me it at the same time.

3years 192 days
As the light mornings get even earlier once again, so do the wakenings of Katie. Gone are the brief run of 7am starts that I enjoyed, back are the days of the 5.15. She was a little less impressed at wearing her uniform to nursery today, on the basis that she wanted to wear her humphrey tshirt (which posed its own problem as the humphrey top had a mark on the neckline, so Mummy has upcycled it as patches in a quilt I'm making). However she did eventually wear it - in part because I told her I'd ordered her pinafore for nursery and we're collecting it tomorrow. I've ordered a summer dress too but think it will be too big.

She's had a good day at nursery but when I picked her up she was totally wiped. She was snuggling right in on my shoulder and the eyes were drooping as we waited to sign her out and talk to her keyworker. She fell asleep in the wrap on the way home. This foiled my plan of a nice sunny "in the garden" or something similar shot. So again, here's Katie snuggled in a carrier! But it is at least our very pretty newest wrap.

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