From Now On...

By rachelwhynot


Matthew messaged to say he had meetings in London this morning. Did we want to meet him at Buckingham Palace? Other plans for today had already been moved which meant we could accept his suggestion.

So we joined the crowds outside the palace. It was good to be there. The hush during the gun salute nearby was tangible. All ages showing their respects and bringing floral tributes for The Queen. We saw the new King and his Queen Consort in their car being driven to the palace.

Also with great sadness, while we were in London we learnt our dear friend Ken, our church organist, had died this morning after such a short time of illness. Only on Monday had he received his diagnosis. Yesterday he deteriorated and was taken to hospital.

I’ve remembered my dear mum today. Also friends going through fresh grief. Those whose grief and sense of loss of loved ones at any time, will be renewed. And now Mavis too. May they know and feel our love and how much we care.

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