Jeepers Creepers!

Mostly at work... 

Then a surprise ride out with Gorgeous (who had finished work early) and Mumpy (who had suggest a ride just a few hours earlier).

I thought it about time Gorgeous got out of his comfort zone again and had a shot on Jeeps. He did very well. Lots of canters and a pop on the beach and in the sea. Nice to see him riding a different horse.

Later in the evening, news I was hoping not to hear... My first dog, Dylan who remained with my ex Husband when we split.. Was confirmed to have quite a large tumour and was put to sleep this evening.

Dylan. Doofus. Doof. Good Boi. Labrador in body, Collie in brain.... Beautifully built, happy as Barry, loving to all he met and entertainment at many a party. One of the brightest dogs I've known. 

My first dog and one of the very best of dogs. Companion to Tim for many years, living his best life and spreading joy to everyone he met. Sleep tight, Doof... ❤️

Extras added of Doof... 

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