Common interest

What a day. 

Long story short... Escapee Shetland pony. Damaged electric fence. Torrential rain. Repaired electric fence. Horses shuffled about in the Trailer so Shetland in in a secure field with George and Jeeps has Red for company. Dog rolling in shit. Horses just not settled. Dog stinking of shit all day in and out the truck and whining non stop. Stupid man who couldn't reverse 10ft on a straight road so just stared at me expecting me to reverse 30ft on a wiggly road with a horse trailer hitched on. He eventually reversed from ditch to ditch and then carried on right over the road end junction, almost hitting the fence opposite. Shouted at me angrilly 'I don't know what way you're going!!'. I replied 'the direction my indicator has been flashing for the last two minutes, to the right'. He shouted at me some more. I refrained from any comment or act of murder. Horses finally all back in their original paddocks. Which are Shetland pony proof. Home. Dinner in oven. Gorgeous. GAH!

Oh.... One more thing.


While George and Jasper were together for half a day, they discovered a very similar interest... Being scratched.

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