Stenness Loch

A day oot in the West Mainland which included a snap inspection of Davie’s Northside garden.  It passed muster.  Prior to departing Stromness we met a wifie hitchhiking at the roadside (bizarrely outside the library).  She climbed in the back into a booster seat as we negotiated the price of diesel.  Once ensconced we found we couldn’t shake her off.  However, I think she enjoyed the truly beautiful day which was so deserved.  We even ended up buying her lunch in the Birsay Bay Tearoom.  Sometimes it’s hardly safe to venture out.
In other news poor Dougal is in hospital in Kirkwall after taking no well in his kitchen.  He is finding it very difficult to speak / communicate.  When he can, he says he feels his brain part is not connected to his talking part.  He is being treated and may be sent down to Aberdeen.  His wife went back in to see him two days ago; before she entered the room she could hear him trying to articulate.  She said there was a never ending tirade of effing and blinding.  He didn’t realise she had entered the room.  He was apoplectic because Liz Truss was on TV. 
Our new au pair arrives tomorrow
Be good, all of you.

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