What's New Pussy Cat Whoa Whoa Whoa

Oh sorry for that I thought I was Tom Jones for a minute but I ain't Welsh and I can't sing but ladies if you still feel the need to throw your underwear at me then hey ho I won't mind hahahah as long as there not like Bridgette Jones style but I do carry a licensed Thong Inspectors Card which I have had for the last ten years but have never had the chance to try it out awww so beware heehee anyhow I was spare today and I was dreading the inevitable as Big Keith another driver who was 03:30 spare said he would show me no mercy when I turned up at work at 07:30 this morning he is the biggest laugh at the depot and his ridicule of everyone is merciless and I got it by the bucket load from him this morning it's not often my flabber is gasted but he beat me hands down with the rest of the messroom in uproar it was funny even at my expense so thankfully he was gone three hours later so peace and quiet almost resumed so after my customary Costa Coffee and Cheese and ham Toastie I headed up to The National Museum Of Scotland for a wander and a blip op it was my first time in since the refurb and it looked nice so I headed off to the section with the dinosaur skeletons but a big pole stopped a decent shot of the T-Rex but there were lots of other good blip ops of all sorts of stuffed animals the ones behind the glass was hard to snap for the glare but I did get some decent one of a Giraffe,Tiger,Lions,a big Turtle with the Turtle's Heed poking oot, and very nice Sea Lion to name but a few, oh and a big Camel with big feet you should have seen the size of it's Camel Toe and a big Hippo as well and I also seen the spitting image too of my Ivor Biggin big Cock shot from a few days back as well but I can only blip one shot and I decided to blip this little Lion Cub with his scary hear me Roaaarrrr face on so that was my work for the day so not too bad a shift if you can call it that anyhow this is my blip and movie for the day has to be "Second Hand Lions 2003" See Ya

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